Crafting the Perfect Etsy Shop Name: A Guide to Using a Name Generator

13 Feb, 2024

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As an Etsy Seller myself, I understand the importance of a good shop name in attracting customers. When browsing through the vast marketplace that is Etsy, a catchy and memorable shop name can make all the difference in capturing my attention and drawing customers into a particular store. A well-crafted shop name not only helps to establish brand identity but also sets the tone for what customers can expect from your products.


  • A good Etsy shop name is important for attracting customers and building your brand identity.
  • Use a name generator website to generate ideas for your Etsy shop name.
  • Follow a step-by-step guide to using AI to generate your Etsy shop name.
  • Choose the right keywords to incorporate into your shop name and reflect your brand identity.
  • Be aware of legal considerations when choosing and changing your Etsy shop name.

Website to generate Etsy Shop Names

If you’re struggling to come up with an enticing shop name for your Etsy store, fear not! There are several online tools available that can help generate creative names tailored specifically for your business. One such tool is ChatGPT.

Using this tool (with the right prompts) has numerous benefits when it comes to naming your Etsy store. Firstly, it saves you time and effort by providing you with instant suggestions based on keywords or themes related to your business niche or products. Secondly, it offers fresh perspectives by generating unique combinations that may not have crossed your mind otherwise.

Step-by-Step Guide to Using AI to Generate Your Etsy Shop

Using ChatGPT as an Etsy Shop name generator is incredibly simple and user-friendly.

Step 1:

Head to and login/create an account – it’s free!

Step 2: Write an introduction prompt-

“We’re going to create a great name for our Etsy Shop. I’m going to provide you with some of the products we’re going to sell along with some brand identity keywords. Once I’ve given you the keywords, provide me with 5 great Etsy shop name suggestions. “

Step 3: List your keywords, the products you plan to sell and any words that you would like your brand to identify with.

“We’re going to be selling Gifts for Mums, occasions such as Mother’s Day, Birthdays, Christmas will be our key targets. We will sell greetings cards, custom gift wrap, ceramic decorations, keyrings, notebooks/journals and framed photo prints.

Our brand identity is modern/contemporary, but also traditional and meaningful. “

Step 4: Refine your keywords, or ask for even more suggestions- Simply by asking “Give me 10 more suggestions

“Give me 10 more suggestions however, make the name a single word or a more brandable name”

Here’s a few names it generated from our prompt:

• Momenza
• Sentimella
• KeepsakeHub
• MemoraBox
• Frameful
• Sentimetry

Also check out Looka as another AI powered name generator.

Tips for Choosing the Right Keywords for Your Shop Name

Keywords play a crucial role in Etsy search results, so it’s essential to choose the right ones when naming your shop. Conducting thorough research on relevant keywords related to your niche is key to ensuring that potential customers can find your store easily.

Start by brainstorming words or phrases that accurately describe what you sell or the style of products you offer. Consider using tools like Google Keyword Planner or Etsy’s own search bar suggestions feature to discover popular keywords within your niche.

Once you have compiled a list of potential keywords, evaluate their relevance and popularity by checking their search volume and competition level. Aim for keywords with high search volume but low competition, as this indicates high demand with fewer sellers targeting those specific terms.

Check your name isn’t trade marked

Conducting thorough research is crucial to ensure that your chosen Etsy store name doesn’t infringe on existing trademarks. Here are the databases you can use for trademark research:

  1. United States (USPTO): You can search for trademarks in the United States through the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) database, which you can access at
  2. Canada: The Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO) provides a database for searching trademarks in Canada. You can access it here:
  3. United Kingdom (UK): The UK Government website provides a database for searching trademarks in the UK. You can access it here:
  4. European Union (EU): The European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) provides a database for searching trademarks in the EU. You can access it here:

Make sure to search for your potential Etsy store name in each relevant database to ensure it’s available for commercial use without infringing on any existing trademarks.

What to do if Your Etsy Shop Name is Already Taken?

It can be disheartening to discover that the perfect shop name you had in mind is already taken by another seller on Etsy. However, there are several options available to deal with this situation and still find a unique and available shop name for your business.

One option is to consider variations of the original name you had in mind. By adding a word or altering the spelling slightly, you can create a new and distinctive shop name that aligns with your brand identity.

Another option is to explore synonyms or related terms that convey the same essence as your initial choice. This allows you to maintain consistency while still finding an available shop name that suits your business.

Avoiding Common Mistakes When Using a Name Generator for Your Shop

While using a name generator tool can be incredibly helpful, it’s important to avoid common pitfalls that may result in ineffective or forgettable shop names.

One common mistake is relying solely on generated names without considering their relevance or appeal to potential customers. Remember, it’s not just about finding an available name; it’s about creating one that resonates with your target audience and accurately represents what you offer.

Another mistake is choosing overly complicated or hard-to-spell names. While uniqueness is desirable, it shouldn’t come at the cost of making it difficult for customers to remember or search for your store online.

To ensure an effective and memorable shop name, consider testing potential options with friends, family members, or even fellow sellers on Etsy before making a final decision.

Changing Your Etsy Shop Name: When and How to Do It

There may come a time when you feel the need to change your Etsy shop name. Whether it’s due to rebranding, expanding your product range, or simply wanting a fresh start, changing your shop name can be done with careful planning and execution.

Before making any changes, consider the impact it may have on your existing customers and followers. Communicate the reasons behind the change clearly through social media platforms or email newsletters so that they understand why you’ve made this decision.

When changing your shop name on Etsy, be sure to update all relevant information across different platforms, such as social media accounts or business cards. This ensures consistency in branding and avoids confusion among customers who may be familiar with your previous shop name.

You can change your shop name on Etsy from the seller dashboard, go to Settings > Info & Appearance.

Conclusion: The Importance of a Thoughtful and Effective Etsy Shop Name

In conclusion, choosing a thoughtful and effective Etsy shop name is crucial for attracting customers and establishing brand identity in the competitive marketplace. A well-crafted shop name has the power to capture attention, evoke curiosity, convey niche markets at first glance while reflecting brand values accurately.

Check out our tips and tricks to making Etsy profitable with Papello and our range of print on demand products.

By utilising AI-powered generators tailored specifically for Etsy shops along with thorough keyword research techniques, sellers can find unique names that align with their brand identity while maximizing visibility in search results.

It is essential for sellers also take into account legal considerations such as trademarks before settling on a final choice of an available shop name. Additionally, avoiding common mistakes when using generators ensures an effective outcome that resonates with the target audience.

Lastly, if a change in shop name becomes necessary, careful planning and communication are vital to maintain customer loyalty and avoid confusion. With these considerations in mind, sellers can create a memorable and impactful Etsy shop name that sets them up for success in the online marketplace.

Changing Your Etsy Shop Name: When and How to Do It

Written by Craig

eCommerce, SEO & Small Business Marketer

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